The CMVO want to compile a database for all the military veterans from the statutory forces, which must not be confused with the National Database for Military Veterans which is compiled by the Department of Military Veterans
For that we require all the military veterans from the Union Defence Force, South African Defence Force and South African National Defence Force to register their details on this CMVO website
As custodians of the interest of the military veterans from the statutory forces the CMVO must determine the extent of its member’s base, and by gathering this information it can also assist the CMVO to help those veterans in joining the suitable recognised military veterans organizations affiliated to the CMVO where they will feel at home.
This will also make it much easier for the CMVO to assist the military veterans from the statutory forces with their interaction with the Department of Military Veterans
If you complete the following questionnaire, this information will be handled in a responsible manner by the CMVO and will be used mainly to verify such veteran’s status in terms of the available records and to assist if such veteran wishes to proceed with official registration as a military veteran on the National Database for Military Veterans as prescribed in the Military Veterans Act, 2011 (No 18 of 2011).