MVO Member Website Links

South African Jewish Ex Service League (Jewish League)
South African Medical Health Services Veteran's Association (SAMHSVO)
Signals Association (Western Cape) (Sigs Assn WC)
St Dunstan's Association for SA War Blinded Vetarans (St Dunstan's)

National Service Debrief

Your National Service ended forty, thirty or twenty years ago but its impact on you has not
Without choice you reported for service to a base far removed from your family home in terms of distance and culture. At seventeen or eighteen your childhood came to an abrupt end with the harsh reality of basic training. Discomfort and physical hardship became your lot. Compared to the lifestyle of the modern teenager, the differences are stark. READ MORE
We want to urge all the former members of the statutory forces who rendered military service from 1960 to 1994 in the South African Defence Force, and from 1994 in the South African National Defence Force to register their details on the National Database for Military Veterans which is held by the Department of Military Veterans Read more

These benefits are available to all military veterans from both the statutory and non-statutory forces if they qualify in terms of the different means tests for each benefit, because the Military Veterans Act, 2011 (No 18 of 2011) stipulates clearly in the definition of “military veteran” that the military veterans from the statutory forces are included namely those...
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The CMVO want to compile a database for all the military veterans from the statutory forces, which must not be confused with the National Database for Military Veterans which is compiled by the Department of Military Veterans For that we require all the military veterans from the Union Defence Force, South African Defence Force and ...
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In South Africa the lives of all military veterans are from 1 April 2012 guided by the Military Veterans Act, 2011(No 18 of 2011) and its regulations, which fact challenges us to take a proper look at this piece of legislation so that we as military veterans from the statutory forces remain significant within this new world created for all military veterans in South Africa
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